La divisione in argomenti è arbitraria e in molti casi i temi trattati si accavallano.Queerness
🇬🇧 Baudinette Thomas, Regimes of Desire. Young Gay Men, Media, and Masculinity in Tokyo, 2021🇬🇧 Halberstram Jack J., Transgender Butch. Butch/FTM Border Wars and the Masculine Continuum, 1999
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🇮🇹 Muñoz José Esteban, Cruising Utopia. L’orizzonte della futurità queer, 2009 (traduzione 2021)
🇬🇧 Pellegrini Ann, Saketopoulou Avgi, Gender Without Identity, 2023
Fandom & fanfiction
🇬🇧 Popova Milena, Dubcon. Fanfiction, Power, and Sexual Consent, 2021Una sezione del saggio titolata ‘Dogfuck rapeworld’: Omegaverse fanfiction as a critical tool in analyzing the impact of social power structures on intimate relationships and sexual consent può essere letta online qui.
Sesso, kink, pornografia
🇬🇧 Howe Sara, Representing Kink: Fringe Sexuality and Textuality in Literature, Digital Narrative, and Popular Culture, 2021🇬🇧 Russ Joanna, Pornography By Women For Women, With Love, 1985
Incluso nella raccolta Magic mommas, trembling sisters, puritans & perverts: feminist essays pubblicata nel 1985.
🇬🇧 Ziv Amalia, Explicit Utopias: Rewriting the Sexual in Women's Pornography, 2015
Analisi artistiche & letteriarie
🇬🇧 Allan Jonathan A., Men, Masculinities, and Popular Romance, 2020🇮🇹 Ferrante Antonia Anna, Pelle queer maschere straight. Il regime di visibilità omonormativo oltre la televisione, 2019
🇬🇧 Wood Andrea, His Baby Daddy is an Alien?!: Mpreg Fantasies and Queer Reproductive Intimacies in Contemporary M/M Science Fiction Romance, 2022
Pubblicato nella raccolta Imagining “We” in the Age of “I”: Romance and Social Bonding in Contemporary Culture edita da Mary Harrod, Suzanne Leonard, Diane Negra.
🇬🇧/🇮🇹 Feinberg Leslie, Stone Butch Blues, 1993La copia inglese può essere trovata gratuitamente a questo link.
Articoli online
🇬🇧 Bad Girls: On Being the Accused, Bullybloggers, 2017🇬🇧 Why are queer people so mean to each other?, Kai Cheng Thom @ Xtra Magazine, 2019